Welcome to Mathnasium’s Math Tricks series. Today we are finding the value of the what part, in a Wholes and Parts problem.
In a Wholes and Parts problem, sometimes we have the whole and the given part, and we need to find the what part. When we are asked, “What part of a bigger number is a smaller number?” it is the same as being asked, “What fraction of the bigger number is the smaller number?” — this gives us the what part. Note that here, “is” means “equals.”
To find the value of the what part, we use the following steps:
- Identify the whole and the given part.
- Compare the given part to the whole as a fraction in lowest terms.
Follow the examples below to find the what part.
Example 1: 9 is what part of 54?
Step 1: Identify the whole and the given part.
The whole is 54.
The given part is 9.
Step 2: Compare the given part to the whole as a fraction in lowest terms.
Answer: 1/6
Example 2: A candy jar contains 9 chocolates, 14 gumballs, and 7 mints. What part of the candies are chocolates?
Step 1: Identify the whole and the given part.
The whole is 30 (9 chocolates + 14 gumballs + 7 mints).
The given part is 9 chocolates.
Step 2: Compare the given part to the whole as a fraction in lowest terms.
Answer: 3/10
Now, with this strategy, you are ready to use this Mathnasium Math Trick to find the value of the what part in a Wholes and Parts problem. Click here for more practice problems, then check your answers here.
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